Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hyped About Hypnobirthing!

I'm whittling away the time until I really have to get back to work. The project I'm currently working on involves writing descriptions of literally thousands of Italian tourist attractions. Do you know how many churches there are in Italy?? It's insane, but it keeps me busy and I am so grateful for the abundance of purpose, knowledge, and money I get out of it! No doubt I know more useless Italian trivia than you do. Go ahead. Challenge me.

Other than that, since breakfast I've been cleaning, arranging, basically controlling every little thing I can until whoever-the-hell-is-painting-the-nursery gets it done so I can start doing really productive things. I desperately want to work on the nursery, but I have to wait while Peter takes his sweet time deciding to paint. He primed the woodwork over a week ago. Hello, nesting here, kind of anxious and obnoxiously energetic. On a cheerier note, Mike just cleaned the toilet! Woo-hoo! He's such a good daddy.

It was strongly suggested to me at my last prenatal appointment to sign up for childbirth education classes. This reminded me that I'd like to try Hypnobirthing, the method of deep relaxation, breathing and meditation techniques designed to release all fear associated with childbirth. This often ensures an easier, sometimes painless birth experience. It involves a sort of self-hypnosis, but that just means a state of intense focus and awareness. I looked up local Hypnobirthing classes, but they are hella expensive, so I ordered a book off eBay for $7. I don't necessarily want to go to a regular childbirth class and be told what's going to happen. I want to experience what happens and respond instinctively and consciously in the moment. The main point is that I'm not scared of birth at all; I understand that this is one of the most natural things to happen to me, and my body will take care of it. On the other hand, the one fear that pops up when I say that is that I'm completely wrong and it will be a disaster. But then I remind myself that if that possibility should transpire, I will not be disappointed in myself for not having the "perfect birth." I will not fear what Mike or my mom or my midwife think if everything doesn't go according to "plan." My birth will happen however it is going to happen, and I will be eternally grateful for it. I repeat that to myself, and there is absolutely no more fear. Guidance is helpful, but I don't need to spend over $200 to be inundated with someone else's idea of my birth. I'm into preparing with meditation and visualization techniques that simply help me remain calm and let go.

What else, what else...oh, I'm trying out coconut oil as deodorant. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but yesterday as I was slathering myself post-shower I got some oil in the ol' pits, and I didn't stink the rest of the day or even this morning. So I slathered a bit more on today after my shower, and I'm excited to see how the experiment goes. I know virgin coco oil is antibacterial, so why wouldn't it work? Also, it's soothing to those freshly-shaved pits as opposed to harsh deodorants and antiperspirants. I am so glad to have unrefined coconut oil back in my life after living a futile existence with refined oil for a couple weeks. Now I use what's left of the refined to cook with and the virgin stuff on my skin and hair. I'll let you know how the deodorant test turns out!

Peace out and in.

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