Thursday, October 14, 2010

Role Call!

Oh boy it has been quite a while, hasn't it? I feel like I've started my last 10 blogs like that, but in this case, it's true. I haven't written since before the baby was born, and that was six months ago today! As is common knowledge, there's not a whole lot of extra time for ranting on the Internet with a new baby around, so I was delighted to recently find the inspiration.

It was a lovely, happy night here at Trailer Hitch Studios. I had just gotten three loads of laundry done, the baby was finally asleep, and Mike and I were unusually chipper. So I had a couple glasses of wine, watched a few thrilling videos on the Gaza Strip and 9/11, and logged onto Facebook. A dangerous combination indeed! Like drunk dialing your hot poli-sci professor, but not so much drunk as just a little sweaty under the arms.

Whilst generally fucking about on that network to which we are all enslaved, I stumbled upon the current status of my best friend/hetero lifemate, a politically active little firecracker in our home state. I had just spoken to her earlier on the phone and inundated her with some hot gossip about the Israeli influence in American politics, including the role her own US senators are playing, and peppered it with a little 9/11 truth. I was excited to be able to talk to someone else who was interested, she being so politically ambitious and what-not. Her status was an enthusiastic expression of gratitude for her co-workers and volunteers and also a lament for those that "sit sedentarily bitchin." This was followed up with a small string of comments from a few of those friends and co-workers, affirming their roles of action and further annoyances over those that do not "spread the word" but instead "watch Glenn Beck and blog in response." I generally do not put my ten cents into a jar already crowded with ardent and spirited two-party affiliates, but I was feeling frisky and confrontational, so I left a comment of my own. Nothing too spicy, just my own lament over the commonalities of both Democrats and Republicans. To be specific, that "Democrats and Republicans alike are bought by the same people." Shortly thereafter I was met with a saucy response of something along the lines of how "fashionable" it is to be "against everything" because then I don't have to believe in anything. My first thought was, "Democrats and Republicans are everything? Holy shit, we're worse off than I thought!" But I followed it up with my own impassioned spiel (there goes that Jewish influence again) on the things I do believe in: how it doesn't matter to the Palestinians which Americans call themselves elephants and which call themselves asses when they are both being paid to support those that imprison them. I realize if we're just talking about local politics and domestic issues, then sure, there are fundamental differences. But when it comes to foreign policy, which is generally what I gravitate towards (it's just more juicy), both parties tend to walk hand-in-hand (with guns in both). The response I got was pretty typical and essentially that someone's Facebook status is no place for "bitching" (my quote, just for the sake of coming full-circle, not theirs) about Middle Eastern policies. I'd like to know what IS the right forum for such discussion? I'll argue that it's not just policy for the distant and conflicted Middle East, but that it directly involves the American people, therefore my ranting about it in random places is justified. Because in order to appear sane and rational we should only talk about the things that affect us. This bond between the US and Israel is not a secret, yet it's such a removed issue for Americans because a) We are supposed to hate Arabs and b) We are supposed to love all Jews and subsequently the state of Israel unconditionally--not for the practice of Unconditional Universal Love--but because they were victims of the Holocaust and should still be treated as such.

I was reminded that President Obama has "promised on numerous occasions" that he is going to step in on the issue of Israeli apartheid. Yes, he has promised this on numerous occasions. He claims to want to "bring peace" to the Arab-Israeli "conflict" (genocide/brutal civilian murder/societal devastation), yet according to a 2010 congressional report, for the fiscal year 2010 he still allotted $2.78 billion for Foreign Military Financing, aka Israel's military. Yay, a miniscule amount less than the Bush administration's $3 billion a year! Yes, Democrats and Republicans ARE different! If someone can explain how handing over billions of dollars to the Israeli military and at the same time expecting them to QUIT doing the job they are being granted to do makes any sense, I'd like to hear it. Actually, I wouldn't. Because it won't make sense. It is completely irrational. If Obama is being threatened, blackmailed, and extorted, then let's just call it what it is. Let's not present apples and call them oranges.

The expansion of Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land is illegal according to the International Court of Justice and the UN Security Council, not to mention ME! Why then are they still permitted to expand? Furthermore, why is America still PAYING them to do it? What is the point of having an International Court of Justice if they can't do anything about those that defy it? There can be no viable "peace talks" when the unwavering financial and military support of the US is behind one side while the other side struggles just to survive every single day.

You want people to actually DO something instead of sitting around bitching? It starts right here, with lowly civilians like myself, drudging up the messy Middle Eastern policies and sensitive issues that fire us up. Otherwise those conversations are resigned to stay around designated philosophical tables and behind contrived podiums. This attitude that we dare not bring these topics up unless we are specifically at a political meeting, rally, or office is absurd and exactly why the average American doesn't KNOW about the most pertinent issues we face today.

I'll argue that blogging is action. The spreading of information is an important role many have undertaken, many in conjunction with other activities, but some as their sole contribution to political/social concerns. I know I've learned a hell of a lot more truth from the average person's blog than from 99% of endorsed politicians. We all have our roles. Some hold signs, some march, some run for office, and some read people's Facebook comments and blog in response.

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