Saturday, January 8, 2011

Really Great Anti-Roach Remedy

It's another bright and beautiful morning. You hop out of bed, skip into the kitchen and pull open the utensil drawer (you'll undoubtedly need a spoon for something), only to find yourself roadblocked by turds. Dozens of them, an army even, scattered all over your knives, forks, spoons, and sweet vintage bottle opener you got at that yard sale last summer. You even see a couple dried, yellow splotches of what you can only assume is urine. What is normally a safe haven for your most intimate kitchen tools (they go directly in your mouth, after all!) is now a literal dumping ground for varmint excrement. Ugh. You assume it must be roaches because you've not heard any mouse-related scurrying sounds issue from the cabinets. Or better yet, you've actually caught them red-...legged? Antennaed? Well, instead of running out for a can of Raid or other toxic traps, look to your spice rack. The effect is immediate, you won't smell it yourself, and there's very little risk to the wandering hands and noses of children and/or pets.

Proven turn-offs to roaches (or whatever keeps pooping in my drawers):
Bay leaves, torn down the middle to release the scent
crushed red pepper
ground cloves
And of course, the absence of food out in the open!

Simple. Easy. Delicious (but not for the beasts). I just fill little cotton satchels with a combination of any or all of these spices and set them in "problem areas" (corners of kitchen counters, in drawers, even the pot-and-pan drawer under the oven). I actually only have two proper satchels, so to cover all the ground I just fold the spices up in a paper towel, tape it shut, and poof! No more poop. It's really that easy. (For an all-natural and effective clean-up of the already existing feces, wipe the pieces away and then spray your surfaces with a vinegar-water solution, and maybe some lemon juice. *Tink!*)

Try it out. By avoiding the super-toxic chemical sprays, you really have nothing to lose but your risk of introducing damaging (and frankly, not very tasty) poisons into your confined eating spaces. Sounds good to me!

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